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Overcoming Stress and Anxiety

Smiling Woman

Most people experience stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. Depending on the level of severity, they can adversely impact your quality of life. 


Stress and Anxiety share many of the same emotional and physical symptoms – uneasiness, tension, headaches, high blood pressure and loss of sleep.


It’s important to know how to identify and differentiate signs of stress and anxiety.


Determining which one you’re experiencing is critical to finding an effective treatment plan and feeling better.


Generally, stress is a response to an External Cause, such as a tight deadline at work or sitting an exam, and will subside once the situation is over.  Because stress is caused by external factors, tackling these head-on can help. 


If you’re experiencing prolonged, chronic stress, there are many ways to manage and reduce your symptoms. 


Engaging in 

·      physical activity, 

·      breathing exercises, 

·      adequate sleep and 

·      taking time connect with others.

 can Help.


Anxiety on the other hand is a person’s specific reaction to stress; its origin is Internal.  It is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life – for example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview.


Persistent Stressful events can lead to Anxiety. 


Unlike stress, anxiety persists even after a concern has passed. 


Stress is a common trigger for anxiety and it’s important to catch anxiety symptoms early to prevent development of an anxiety disorder.


There can be many causes of Anxiety  and can  come from a ranging factors like genetics and environment. 


There are different types of anxiety disorders. some are outlined below


  • General anxiety disorders worrying excessively and/or getting apprehensive about several events or activities. These feelings occur almost all the time and are not triggered by any one specific issue. Some examples include: fear of failure or poor performance, worries about family’s safety, worries about thunderstorms or wars, worries about what others will think of them, and is apprehensive about new situations or meeting new people.


  • Panic Attacks– Panic attacks are also called as agoraphobia. Children suffering from panic attacks have repeated episodes of shaking, dizziness, chest pains, and intense feelings of fear. They often avoid certain situations for fear of having a panic attack. 


  • Social Anxiety–social anxiety only have symptoms when in social settings. They fear unwanted attention from anyone, including friends. 


Some of the Anxiety symptoms can be 


  • a feeling of impending doom

  • Dry throat

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Inability to switch off

  • Over-thinking

  • Insomnia

  • Tension headaches

  • Nausea

  • shortness of breath

  • increased heart rate

  • muscle tension

  • irritability

  • nervous stomach

  • Palpitations

  • Sweating

  • Lack of assertiveness

  • Unwanted habits (skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, teeth grinding)


A lot of people all over the world who used to experience these symptoms are now successfully cured by our techniques in hypnotherapy for anxiety. 


In the hypnotherapy sessions I help clients towards a condition of relaxation to enhance tolerance for the objects or situations which trigger their anxious behaviours.


In the treatment of Stress & Anxiety with hypnotherapy I will use a number of processes and advanced techniques. The protocol may involve:


  • Relaxation techniques.

  • Getting to the root of the negative thinking causing the anxiety and helping you to create new mental responses. 

  • Helping you to notice the triggers and provide you with techniques to keep the anxiety at bay.

  • Overcoming/Changing any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

  • Getting rid of the baggage you are carrying from your past that may still be influencing you/holding you back.

  • Helping your body and mind learn to relax again

  • Enabling you to reach a state of strength and confidence 

  • Ego Strengthening.  



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North West London and Hertfordshire areas covered: 









Croxley Green 


 Hatch End







Face to Face Session in Harrow,

NW London and

Online Sessions available via Zoom 

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Call Namita Bhatia:07305 595 603


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Aligned Mindset Therapy Limited

incorporating Achieve with NLP

Company Reg No: 10411443​


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